How To Improve Website Traffic in WordPress with MonsterInsights and All in One SEO

Written By Tech in the Sun

Blogging Tools

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Have you heard about MonsterInsights and All in One SEO and want to learn more to enhance your website’s SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of today’s most important digital marketing strategies. Once you’ve ranked in several search results on Google, Bing, and Yahoo, your site becomes more visible to potential customers. Depending on how well your site reflects what users want to see, it may take weeks before you start seeing results.

When it comes to ranking a website in search engines, there is no magic formula. One thing that is quite sure is that your blog or eCommerce will not receive many organic visits without a well-optimized website. Then, this traffic has to be analyzed to understand how well your website is performing and where you can improve. The chances are high that you are using Google Analytics to measure your website traffic.

Indeed, Google Analytics is a must-have for any online business. It provides insights into your website’s performance by indicating how search engines and online visitors perceive the content. But how to best use it? Suppose you’re looking for ways to grow your business and rank higher in search engine results pages (SERP). In that case, MonsterInsights is one of the best pieces of software you can get because it helps you install Google Analytics directly on your site and monitor the stats right on your website dashboard.

MonsterInsights and All in One SEO: How does MonsterInsights work and help improve Website Traffic?

MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress, and the numbers speak for themselves: over 3 million customers use this tool, downloaded more than 12 million times. It lets you set up Google Analytics easily and intuitively within your WordPress platform in just a few minutes without the need for codes and programmers. 

MonsterInsights now offers a new integration that you can use to boost your SEO activities with the power of the famous plugins All in One SEO and TruSEO.

How do All in One SEO and TruSEO work?

All in One SEO is one of the more powerful SEO plugins. It helps you rank better on search engines, and more than 2 million worldwide users use it. It works by studying your website to find the most important information visitors want to see, including images and keywords. Simplicity is vital when it comes to SEO. All In One SEO offers an easy-to-understand interface and powerful options to help your website rank more easily.

TruSEO is a tool specifically engineered to offer suggestions and perform On-Page Analysis for enhancing your website’s pages and posts. It helps quickly add title tags, meta descriptions, keywords, and all you need to do in-depth SEO optimization.

All in One SEO Custom Dimensions

Thanks to the MonsterInsight integration, you can add AIOSEO focus keywords and TruSEO scores to your Google Analytics data. Then, you’ll see Analytics data broken down by new, SEO-focused custom dimensions.

Combining these new visualizations can help you determine which keywords are most important for your overall SEO strategy and which focus keywords bring in the most traffic. By seeing your overall search volume, earnings per click (EPC), cost-per-click (CPC), and clicks-per-instant, you can determine which keywords are providing you with the best value for your time and effort. And thanks to this analysis, you can discover how a little more optimization could improve your posts and content.


Now, there is one more reason to install MonsterInsights on your WordPress site and improve your SEO with the help of All in One SEO.

MonsterInsights licenses start at €99 per year (discounted by 50%). MonsterInsights comes with a 14-day, no-questions-asked money-back policy.

The Plus version is for small businesses and publishers who want to do more. It can be installed on a site. The free MonsterInsights Lite version has limited features and support, but it is ideal for testing this great plugin.

Find out all the licenses here.